Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I don't know about you,
but I am having the worst time
posting pictures through Picasa

So I apologize that this is the one I have to show you
of my HorseChestnut tree opening its buds

Now that I have that ordinary world stuff (complaining)
out of the way...let me tell you
what this means to me.....It is getting warmer
and soon the baltimore Orioles will land on the very top of the
tree's perfumed blossoms......
I can only see these birds from my bedroom window
they are so good at coming in and out without being discovered
The first time I saw husband didn't believe me
just like he didn't believe me about the flock of Cedar Waxwings
in the Servicberry and elderberry
We sort of have this life long competition going on
we keep a bird list.....
I am joyful that he loves the birds as much as I do
'cause he doesn't love the squirrels at all
But it's my garden and I say they are welcomed
Last night I saw a raccoon  at my patio door looking in
I clasped my hand in joy and watched in silence in the dark kitchen
...that's how I am
and I hope I never change
Now to figure out this Picasa thing

Horsechestnut in spring
orioles flit through blossoms
color in the tree


  1. I saw an oriole just this morning. They are very skittery so I never get to study them since they are long gone by the time I can grab the binocs. Love that flash of brilliant color!

  2. I love all the birds too, but must admit I'm with your husband on not liking squirrels. I call them tree rats.

  3. HAPPYONE! you!
    He calls them rats too
    but I like them as long as they stay in the trees

  4. You are right Bee..and they re gone so fast....following the blossoms

  5. You live in a very special part of the world, I googled the birds you mentioned and they gorgeous. I love it that all creatures are equally welcome in your garden. Lovely haiku.

  6. The birds...aren't they wonderful.
    This morning as the snow (yes snow) was falling the birds did not give up on their morning feeding at our feeders. Cute. Breakfast is an important meal.
    Smiles to you.

  7. We have a pair of Hooded Orioles in the yard right now. They are beautiful, more yellow than orange, and we only see them for a while. Then they are gone.
    But, Oh, the color. Like a flash of lightening in the spring air.
    I love your poem.

  8. Yes..flashes of color
    that's how Ai see them...and then they are gone, farmlady
    Dogwood I can't believe that you still have snow...and I hear from my son..drug resistant germs! noticed the haiku
    I love trying to write them
    hint of nature
    two things
    a relationship


leave me a line of joy