Sunday, May 30, 2010

by popular demand

I believe there are 3 baby bunnies in my garden and two adults (of course#!>!)
I waited patiently with my camera to get a photo of one braving the open grassy area
Hope you enjoy this little one as much as I is interesting to take note of what they eat
I wish they ate chocolate mint!
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Friday, May 28, 2010

The mountain ash trimmings were the last to be picked up and bagged until, that is, I saw mama rabbit nibbling at them. Maybe it was the unripened berries that she wanted, but on closer inspection, no, it was the leaves that she was nibbling.
Last night I decided to leave them for her for the morning's meal. Sure enough this morning she was nibbling away. On and off all day I spied her sneaking out to grab a bite. Now this evening she guards her stash in the cool shade. ..Mr. Robin close by inspecting the border for worms rising from the earth after a heavy soaking by the wench. I think I'll have to name her soon...we're getting pretty chummy with each other.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The morning sun must
have called her name
awakening her to dance
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Monday, May 24, 2010

A gardener can never return a mother's day gift. !!!!!!!!!
Like I need more rabbits.....
but he is cute. Hope you all are weeding away like me!
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

A walk in the garden this morning revealed the Siberian irises had opened.
They used to be scattered all through the garden... as I thinned them out. But too much shade had them leaf out but fail to flower.
I will have to move them or give them to my neighbor, who is a happy recipient of anything for her yard.
I actually like sharing my plants, that's how I started...generous neighbors..usually elderly....oh my
I'm not there yet, but when I am...I'll be a cute elderly garden wench! my bounty away!! Joy!
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Friday, May 21, 2010

I bought this tulip tree at clearance at Frank's Nursery..that's how old it is...It was in a gallon bucket
It took years to bloom, but now it faithfully
provides food for the squirrel every year!
Glad I got a shot of this beauty before it was his lunch.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pause a while
and look
see the ants
the bees
the worms
they don't ask
what they should do
they just do
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Monday, May 17, 2010


Let me embrace the rain
...for what it is
-an essential,
as neccessary as breath
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm getting there. Despite the house guests that smoke on my deck, I have managed to keep going and try to get my garden in some sort of order. Mostly mother nature is doing what she does best...grow!
They are going home on Tuesday now.......look out world..I have pent up energy!
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Friday, May 14, 2010


It looks pretty, but trust me....weeds....
I was going to show you the bad areas...but why dwell in negativity!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today pictures of My Open Bar of Joy

Since December I have been driving one hour each way to babysit my grandson 4 days a week....while my daughter finished school...That done...I thought good..back to the house and garden...
no.....A dear friend passed away with a brain tumor...and my sister in law is still in ICU..but pulling through...and her sisters have come in from Arizona to be with her....and they are staying with us and using my car....and it has been raining all week or it has been very gardening except for a few hours of weeding...oh the zen of weeding
So today when they left to go to the hospital the sun came out......boy that didn't sound right..
Anyway, I got out my camera and went outside to look for beauty....I need it
and to look for joy.....need that too....
and here is what I found to warm my heart............
I hope you enjoy a tour of today's garden
What is wrong with this picture?

They go home on Sunday.
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Doesn't this say Monet?
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I have always had a fascination with witches....blame it on my first grade teacher
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Love in the garden....I'm all for it
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yeah, I see you.................
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Showy solomon seal I believe or is it starry? Anyway it's beautiful and mixes well into the shade garden..although a little bit of a bully...trying to push its way into the grass!
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O she was beautiful when I first got her....she held a shell in her hand and was blowing over it....well one year a tree branch knocked her over and she got injured severly....I have her parts...but I have failed to find anything to keep them on......but she loves the garden
and watches over do I
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I didn't have grandchildren when I let my girlfriend cut a hole in this cute childrens chair so I could put a flowerpot into the seat....
oh I have placed a dish there as a bird drink.....and I love suns and moons...and circles...
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All I could say was lordie! that is going to be one huge Jack in the Pulpit!
A few of them....also PURCHASED in Iowa
I love them. Once I rescued one from developement and only had time to put it in a pot....
It grew in that put ...really grew....and one morning...I stepped out onto my deck and Jack stood right proud in that pot
Hands raised (leaves) he was preaching hell and brimstone... Oh what a memory
I have since piped him down into the garden where he sticks to pure gospel love
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I did not capture what I saw.....a sweet mixture of columbine waving in the breeze in front of this old heart jello mold
hanging on the old Swedish church fence.....I did not capture the romance I hope and love
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A temporary home for the buddha.......
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Ah...yellow trillium...PURCHASED in Iowa........
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Amsonia and buttercups.....sigh
the amsonia I brought from my old house 16 years ago...given to me by my elderly neighbor....this is all that survives
she...gone 15 years now....She was the one who introduced me to woodland plants...she swiped them from the woods (!!!NO)
But they loved her and her garden was filled with them..even behind her airconditioning it is all lawn...the new owners I guess didn't know what they destroyed......good thing Phyllis is in heaven...there is no crying there
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Now, here's a bunch that loves water...Joe-Pye weed.....I love it.....
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Today in the garden I found funny...with all this rain!
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