Saturday, July 17, 2010

What I like best about my garden is the sense of mystery. It isn't a garden in the garden club tradition, it is a wild and free place of beautiful things growing. Most things I have planted there, but truth be told, it's the things I didn't plant that make my heart swell a bit more, each time I discover them. Now, I do have to control things a bit, or it would be bedlam..but in me beats a gypsy heart...a wandering spirit that looks for adventure in the smallest of places. This rock for instance...this morning I stopped... at the morning light hitting it just so...and I saw it hidden...vinca vine bejewling it in the mostly shady part of the garden under the River Birch.
I love light...morning and late afternoon light in the garden. It touches the plants to wake them up or signal them this day is fleeting fast.
Light and darness......sun and moon...ying and and let live.........
yep....that's the kind of garden I have
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  1. I love light too Suz. In fact I am quite obsessed by the thought of it lately..when I had the thought that the world has actually no colour until light hits it and is reflected back into my eye. I share this with my friends and mostly they say..oh that's too much for take in!! Light is everything. Amazing!

  2. I love that type of garden ... wild, magical, mysterious.

  3. we are kindred spirits, for sure. We share the same desires for our gardens, loving the unexpected. I just found poppies where they were not planted. Also, on the drive into the cabin this afternoon, I spotted a mushroom that needed to be photographed, when, lo and behold, there in the middle of the dark maple and hemlock grove of trees, peeking its lavender through the ferns, were a couple stems of Ladybells. What a pleasant surprise.

  4. What I have in flowers is a surprise for me. I can't imagine having a manicured yard.

  5. I forgot to tell you that you can use any of my words that strike your fancy anytime in your writings.

  6. Ooooo... love those vine-y groundcovers.

  7. I forgot to comment on you wonderful garden. I love a garden like yours where plants pop up where they will. In my farm garden I had mignonette that would self seed and pop up in the most surprising places. My poor husband did not like it and was forever pulling it up out of stone pathways etc..and I encouraged it. Down the end of my street is an old house totally overgrown and in the summer it is a picture ..covered in that amazing blue of morning glories. I love it. I know gardners who cannot abide the "mess" of autumn!I can't understand that!

  8. abondoned house covered in morning glories!!!!!! have you peeked inside...maybe just maybe God has taken up residence


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