Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The only good thing about this critter
is....I hope he turns into a butterfly!
I thought of you April....inside joke.
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  1. My comment just when 'poof'...
    Your worm looks 'almost' like a silkworm but are not Native to North America. He is more likely a White Cutworm, which is apparent by his ravenous appetite.
    and Yes, we Do have wolves that have packed and have become quite a threat to the pets and small children in our area.
    I see them too often.

  2. oh my I looked up cutworm..not him!
    but it/they are eating !!
    I'd be afraid of wolves myself..though fascinated by them....
    ...and you were afraid of my wood witch..tisk tisk

  3. Now, those little guy are very bad for the garden! Dogwood

  4. I don't recognize that guy either. Will have to look him up!


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