Monday, July 30, 2012

We spent the weekend in Galena, Il
The ride there revealed that they have suffered much
in the farm country
The corn was burnt out in some areas and in other areas
not very tall...but there must be corn..because we saw many signs for
corn ahead!
I don't think it will be good corn...anyway I'm not eating any now
due to my low carb eating lately
And when we arrived at our home, everything was dry as bone
as they say....only the weeds, like chicory and queens lace thrived
and we saw few cows in those glorious valleys
But the blue skies of Northern Illinois didn't fail us
Clouds like cotton balls
and the people....oh they don't much better than here
warm, friendly, funny
I guess gardens and farms are a wash this year just about everywhere
I didn't take  a walk in the woods...they said watch out for ticks..bad this year
fair enough...I'm not risking anymore anything
I am a country mouse at heart
and I think I finally have decided that my husband is too
He dragged me outside to see the night sky
Too much moon I told him
There's always a grump in the crowd
and that night it was me...
but while he slept I stared out the window
and enjoyed the stars that he saw
and I heard a critter in the woods
ooo.....I was hoping to hear an owl
no just a raccoon
Then home again to my suburb house
and garden
I think we can call it a night here too
the garden is done, finished, kaput
a few stragglers gasping
a surprise bloom here and there
Not the garden I dreamed about
on those frigid winter nights
But.still ,there was and is joy to found
good thing


  1. Nothing like a country drive to air out feelings. I love driving through corn fields in the summer. That's unfortunate about the corn...some of it will be okay. A low carb diet?? You can cheat once in awhile for that corn roast:)

  2. Seeing the countryside just helps put things back in perspective.
    Glad you made it safely home.

  3. And you're good at finding the joy!

  4. It's been one of those years...

  5. In spite of everything, there is still joy to be found. Sometimes it hides itself well, but you are right, be still and it will appear.

    Thanks Suz.

  6. my heart goes out to those in the arid places
    this summer.
    i remember a few seasons back we were parched
    and cracked and hard ground and thirsty eyes to sky.
    this year the humidity alone could water our gardens,
    which are drinking deeply and often.
    i wish we could spread it out and share.
    big wet hug,


leave me a line of joy