Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh, a storm in the garden
a magical time of thick heavy air
still, then suddenly almost violent
We got pounded with hail
and I thought about the toads
glad that they have rocks to hide under
One was right on my driveway
as the trees were waving around bending
to the wind that brought heavy rain
I chased him back into the cottoneasters wench says the toad knows what he's doing
and I shouldn't interfere....what's he know

But today, this morning, after very heavy storms last night
the garden looked like Eden
heartbreakingly lush
and a few more flowers opened

Now these hornets...nothing stops them
that nest is getting bigger by the day
look how complicated it is
Luckily they aren't bothering me
they are too busy I guess
but yikes anyway

The grapes of the grape hollies are turning ripe
Drunken robins soon in my open bar of joy

I wish you could feel the heavy moist air
the hot air that fills the garden
helping the flowers and the earth to release their
growing a greenhouse
I am so enjoyng being in the garden this morning
I am feeling better and my mood is bright
and this walk through the garden is like
a tranfusion of joy
and not one thought of winter itches me
Poor folks on the other side of our planet
drowning in darkeness...Angela....and weary
from no flowers or color
bake some cookies or make soup
Ah are mine
for now


  1. I thought when I first saw the pic, "She got rain!" You lucky person:) I forgot to water yesterday and I almost lost a couple plants. Scary! The hornet's nest is really neat. I've been seeing lots of great bugs lately outside. I don't like bugs but some of them are so strange looking that they're fun to see around the garden. Have a good weekend and glad you got some much needed rain.

  2. Your garden is looking great.
    We had such awful wind last night and what a show the lightening put on for us.

  3. Love that dark tree/sky pic. Love all of them. Wow, that hornet's nest - amazing. That hail was so funny - it was about 104 outside and down comes this frozen hail! Weird! Oh, and the storm friday night - we lost power for 28 hours!


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