Saturday, November 20, 2010


This crown of thorns spent the summer on the deck
and now it has to come back inside like me.
We both look out wishing for summer again,at least spring.
But we live in a land of seasons
and we must go inside for the winter

I will tend us both little flowering beauty
I have placed you by the southwest window with the oxalis
The kitties will visit you almost daily
wanting bits of sunlight too, and a nibble now and then

I will water you with nourishing water
pick up the leaves I know you no longer can sustain
and we will wait together
watch the grass turn brown
the trees become like skeletons with outstretched arms
and the hungry hawk will return
and you can watch me as I venture outside
and show him whose garden this is
while I fill endlessly the birdfeeders that draw him here
And at night while I'm asleep you might see in the moonlight
visitors who come in darkness
to scrounge in the garden for food,
missed seeds and dried up berries hidden under leaves
And the bitter wind will rattle the windows soon
and snow will first mesmerizing us with its angelic presence
but then it will spread its thick comforter over everything
and winter settles in like a relative who stays too long
But for today you bring me a slice of the garden inside
....and  joy
and I give thanks

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  1. Winter sounds almost welcome with it's comforter.....
    So good to be back if only temporarily.....I have missed your poetry.

  2. Love you talking to your crown of thorns, sharing your time and thoughts together. So melancholy.

  3. I talk to my plants and I love it when Joe says What? and I just say, "nothing, I am talking to my plants". I don't have the gift od words like you my dear Suz

  4. your garden poetry is always lovely.

  5. Greetings, How are you?
    It is a thrill to read your talent today...
    Jingle Poetry has magic, wonders, and miracles going on this week,
    Hope to see your contribution.
    Old poems, or poems unrelated to our theme are welcome.
    We treasure your support !
    Hope to see you in.
    Have A Lovely Tuesday!
    Happy Thanksgiving, You Rock!

  6. Beautiful writing as always suz.

    I have been scouring your blogs for an email address. I felt the need to contact you. If you want you can email me, my email address is on my blogger profile. If not that's fine too.

    Just catch the love I am sending your way. x


leave me a line of joy