Monday, February 14, 2011

When you turn and enter the open garden you are greeted by this sign
and many other things hanging on the arbor
But today I want to focus on this

When God was lonely He made a garden.
I understand.

My Garden
Like a lover you know me
In little ways you
thrill me
please me
surprise me
nuture me
teach me
the mysteries of life
that come from
your bounty and struggle
But we are partners
in this dance of survival
and love
is the music

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  1. I LOVE your sign!!! Hoping you feel very loved today!! Because you are!!!

  2. Did you write this? It is excellent. I also like that Love sign. Very nice.

  3. Love the love sign and the poetry is just beautiful.
    Nice post.

  4. LOVE~such a special feeling.
    Have a "heart" day.

  5. Oh Mr. Lincoln...yes I wrote it..thanks
    the garden is my refuge and strength...a long love affair it is
    Oh ,I bought this sign in Cerdarburg hangs right next to the copper fish, rain chain..hee hee
    why do think I call myself a garden wench.....
    thanks Witch and Dogwood and Robin for stopping by

  6. Just beautiful! A beautiful Valentine poem, Sue.

  7. Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day, Suz. I like your sign. Saw lots of robins this morning on my early morning walk and thought of you. They were singing their little hearts out.


leave me a line of joy