Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today I have a quiet day..was planning on working in the yard.
But it's raining outside
maybe tomorrow
I guess I'll have no excuses
not to do the laundry.
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  1. I love rainy days...guilt free. I know that the garden needs attention but the rain makes it easy for me to say...aww tomorrow is another day. Then I sneak in and read all my blog friends wonderful posts.
    Have a relaxing day. And yeah...that stinky plant below...no clue. At first I thought it was angelica, or brugmansia but the leaves and flowers don't match. What is that anyway? You sure have my curiosity going here! ha!

  2. I love that poem Suz.

    I too am dreaming of summer days, warm breezes and my hands in dirt. :-)

    Sun here but cold, really low night temperatures mean newly potted bedding plants are living in the shed until the night temperatures warm up (at the weekend according to the forecast!)

  3. Suz indeed the rain is a gardens friend. We've not had much this Spring..more dreary cold cold days!Certainly all of this week.Brrr.

    Yes try the harness on your kitty..I did with mine and now they are fenced in and only allowed out when I supervise very carefully.Otherwise they remain indoors.

  4. I can see that you love bunnies. I do to and freak out every time Spunky gets one. A crazy mom rabbit had her baby in of all things our thorniest rose bush. The bunny was white and Spunky sneaked through the gate and got it but he grabbed it so gently I think it probably lived. We new the mama lived under the porch next door so Joe took it over there and pushed it way back.


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