Took a walk through the garden this morning
with an open heart..
I sat a while to clear my mind of anything but the moment
and then I looked up
and saw the light coming through the delicate flower
of the heavenly blue morning glory
God in flower
I looked down and saw this tiny slug
slimming over a recently cut tree
a mulberry
but he made it a dance floor
and I watched until a flock of robins
flew overhead and raided the mountain ash
the Roam tree
I am blessed to have two in my garden
this ancient tree of protection
I need to gather some dry branches
tie them with red thread
and place them over my door
just a symbol
but I am a wench after all
and so much a gypsy of the wandering soul
my temple bell is certainly
wabi sabi in the garden
On a windy day I absolutely love sitting in the garden
listen listen to all the bells
I am taken away by the sound
Oh..poor bunny
someone knocked you down
or maybe you were star gazing last night
I understand
or you were recharging your energy
gathering it from mother earth at your back