So much family stuff going on
the garden has been neglected these past days
But I have a new visitor coming to the door
I thought at first it was Handsome, but alas, it was not to be
Oh how my heart breaks to speak of that old cat
and how I miss him
Truly I miss his grumpy face at the door every morning
insisting on a certain menu
His royal highness, feral cat supreme
I wish to think of him like my cat, Buster,who 16 years ago got out and never returned
I like to think of Handsome with him now, in an old lady's house...keeping her company
giving her hope, and joy and companionship
...say it is so dear Lord...that there is a place as this for lost pets
Now I am the old lady....feeding this rascal
He is very by time I get my camera..he is gone
so excuse the bad photo
The hawk was in the yard this morning..I shooed him away
My granddaughter wanting to know why
He eats my birdies...I tell her
Maybe he's hungry, Grandma
hhhhhhmmmmm.....she's a bit like her grandfather, I see
As we were eating our pancakes ,two cardinals
arrived on the deck, sitting on little Handsome's bowls
boy and girl
My granddaughter, Reagan, liked this did I